Sunday, March 20, 2011

Social Media

A co-worker convinced me a few weeks ago that the farm should be on twitter. I have always considered myself to be rather up to date on the "social media" scene as I've been blogging for a few years, used e-mail as a farm outreach tool and have a personal facebook page. After a lengthy discussion with this co-worker about the importance of social media in the 2011 business world I decided to give it a try, so in the last two weeks the farm has joined twitter and has its own facebook page. I hate to admit the actual amount of time that I've spent trying to come up with something clever to write on my twitter wall but its also rather addicting every time someone "follows" me. Sort of like my own personal high.

Frustrations are also arising with this new social world. It's supposed to be possible to link your facebook page to your twitter account so you only have to post something once and it'll post to both areas. Seeing as my patience is sometimes thin and I'm probably not the most technologically savvy person out there I've found some of the logistics of this new social world to be a bit frustrating. But I'm plugging ahead and trying to keep up to date on what the world is doing.

If you want to follow our social media adventures join us at twitter @JenJCampbell or like our farm community facebook page

Now to learn about four square!!

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